The Douglas report: chilean mining and its political representation in 1871

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James Douglas (1873-1918), born i Canada, became e leading figure in the world copper industry and then mining in general. his firstgreat success came in Arizona after be located the Atlanta property for the Phelps-Dodge Company. He went on to become president of the company. he founded a family prominent in Arizonamining and politics . Earlyin this career, 1871, Douglas traveled extensibely Chile visiting the major cooper mining districs. Home in Quebec, he wrote of series of papers and articles on Chilean mining. The paper draws attention to his observations as an impartial diagnosis of the Chilean mining industry before it went into decline in the 1880s.

Detalles del artículo

William C. Culver
Cornel Reinhart
Culver, W. C., & Reinhart, C. (2018). The Douglas report: chilean mining and its political representation in 1871. Si Somos Americanos. Revista De Estudios Transfronterizos, 4(3), 79-102. Recuperado a partir de


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